NeoNexus has rebranded to Bloomscroll. Don't worry, this is just a name change, the site will remain the same and is still owned by the same person.


Hey, long time no see. I have not forgotten about Bloomscroll, don't worry. This project has just become low priority for me compared to other ones. That doesn't mean it's over though. While Bloomscroll has been updated today, I plan to remake the website from scratch so you should expect it to be down for a while in the coming days. The way Bloomscroll is built right now is uhh... how do I put this... It's being held by sticks and glue and updating it is a bit of a pain in the butt, so recreating the site from scratch is necessary in order to make the process less painful for me.

First of all, sorry for the lack of updates. Not only have I been busy with life but also other individual projects (which....psst they will be added to the site soon). By the time I'm writing there aren't any major updates on the site but a major one is planned. Check back in a while.

So May has been a busy month for me for reasons I won't go into much detail about, and it'll probably continue to be like this for at least 2-3 more months. As a result, I haven't been able to update bloomscroll much. It also doesn't help that aside from the fact that it's really hard to find interesting sites on my own, no one has submitted any cool discoveries on the forums so I've sort of had no reason to update it either. I did add a few things under misc and music recently but that's about it. Don't give up on bloomscroll yet though I will continue updating this until I die (maybe I will outlive the site, who knows).

So I've been extremely busy irl and as a result I haven't been able to update this site too much. Categories are still messy as always but I found a temporary solution that will make things less of a living hell for me and that is a Misc section for sites which don't fit into any of the other categories. Let's say I come across a Pearl Jam forum which I happened to find interesting... do I list it under Fandom? do I list it under the new Music category? do I not list it at all?. That's where the Misc category comes in and saves my ass. From now on anything that's cool by my standards but doesn't quite fit into the existing categories will be moved to Miscellaneous.

Also, some discussion about how I could organize this site better would be appreciated on the forums. I swear, it doesn't hurt to make an account. I won't jump out of the screen and choke you for not making one but ... yk, I am giving you this website... for free... you can make an account there... for free... and that way you can help me improve this site.

I didn't expect to make two blogposts today but here we are. NeoNexus has officially been rebranded to Bloomscroll. As I mentioned not long ago the site's previous name, NeoNexus, was associated with a crypto scam I have no involvement in and I didn't want people suspecting that I had something to do with it. As a result I had to change it and I'm actually happy with "bloomscroll." since it's kinda like a positive version of the term Doomscrolling. That being said, if you're not the biggest fan of the name change, do know that the site will remain the same even with the new name. I still own it, I still manage it and the name change doesn't mean that a big mean tech corpo bought it.

As you may have noticed recently some categories were merged today. Chat sites are now under Social, Fanfiction sites are now under Artwork (listen, fanfics are art!!), and the fandom section will now be dedicated entirely to fansites and fan forums regardless of what they're about (music, anime, cartoons, books, etc). This change might be a little annoying to some but I believe it's something that had to be done. The categories before this merge were an absolute mess.

First things first. It has come to my attention that one of the sites featured here, Talkomatic, was recently shut down. A site listed on the Nexus shutting down was to be expected considering most of the time indie sites tend to come and go due to their owners not seeing them as something worth continuing to pay for. But I didn't expect this to happen so soon. I currently have no backup plan so I've been asking myself: Do I keep it? Do I get rid of it and pretend it was never there? Do I make a ''graveyard'' of websites that no longer work?. The latter option seems the most appealing to me right now but for the time being I have no plans of publishing the unfinished graveyard page.

Another thing I'd like to mention that's completely unrelated is that I completely fucked up the date of some of the posts. This has now been fixed but damn, I forget that I'm formatting them wrong sometimes. I'm not American so cut me some slack. man.

As you may have noticed already, I've been working a lot to keep this site fresh recently. A lot of categories have been updated to have more content, the blog/frontpage no longer has that ugly scrollbar, the forums are finally open to everybody, featured sites have been moved to the right sidebar and our current large category which is ''Social Networking'' has had plenty of new sites added in the past few days.

Regarding potential future updates to NeoNexus: I have plans to rebrand and rename the site as I recently found out that 'NeoNexus' has been taken by some crypto related scam bullshit. The last thing I want is for someone to go ''Hey, have you heard of NeoNexus?'' and the other person googling it only to find crypto web3 buzzword galore. I also plan to rename categories so they're less confusing, there's plenty of categories that in my opinion could easily be merged with existing ones.

Changes have been made to the good ol' nexus. Starting today the site will be wider than before, featured websites will now be displayed on the right alongside reviews, thumbnails for websites will no longer displayed (mainly so I can save space but also to keep the site more interesting and mysterious, I mean... that was one of the things that made the wild west era so special) and we also have a new logo designed by yours truly. Why keep the cat theme? Because we all know cats own the internet, duh.

To make submitting a website easier for you and to make the process of curating submitted websites less painful for me I've decided to move submissions from Jotform to the NexusTalk forum. If you want to see your favorite website... or even your own website featured here. Click that "Submit a Website" button on the left sidebar and follow the instructions on the page. You will need an account to post on the NexusTalk forums.

Hey everyone. Sorry for a lack of activity since last year. I've finally updated the site a bit. I decided to feature the Moriya Shrine Touhou fansite on the frontpage since it's a website I have a lot of respect for. I've also decided to create a category for Fun and Entertainment, cause, y'know. Browser games can be fun sometimes. If that's your thing you can go check it out. There's only two sites right now but I'll try to add more in the coming days.

I've been wanting to launch a forum for this site for a while now, to let people discuss their favorite non-corp sites and share passion projects. Well, looks like that time has finally come. Starting today you can register on our forum and discuss a variety of different topics, mostly internet / technology related stuph. Click ''Forums'' on the sidebar or that small icon on the left to start browsing. And uhh... please be active, please?? pweeassee??... Thanks.

Maybe not that big... but hey it's something okay?. I've redesigned the frontpage to have a Banner linking to the About page and added two new categories, those being ''Fansites and Fandom Content'' for all fandom related stuff, and Booru which is an image gallery software that's commonly used for anime art sites. Now, just like Chan imageboards, not all of them are NSFW but do note that you can come across that kind of stuff. Don't say I didn't warn ya!.

On a semi-related note, I received two submissions today, likely from the same person considering they were a few minutes apart. Those being for a LEGO fansite which I've added under the fansites category and another for a YouTuber's site which despite being a fan I had no idea it even existed. I do really want to add the latter but I honestly have no idea where it'd fit and if I had to create a category for it, idk what it'd be called either. So hey, to the one who submitted it, I've reviewed your submission and it's 👌 👌 . I just have no idea where to put it lol. The anon suggested I should put it under ''Artwork Sharing'' which I've renamed to Art Communities. However, that section is for sites like Deviantart and Pixiv so it would feel out of place there. Hmm...

Yes, yes, I know. The site hasn't been updated in a long time, and no categories have been added since, but that doesn't mean it's dead. I'm still here trying to update the nexus, finding new websites and asking friends for recommendations. Earlier today I added two new sites under social networks. Believe me, finding cool stuff on the internet these days is not an easy task, I'm doing my best here.

I've added categories for video sharing and imageboards (this refers to chan style imageboards like 4chan), while some of the links there are safe for work I've still flagged the whole category as NSFW due to the nature of these. As for video sharing sites, there aren't many I know of. I've decided to exclude the crypto / blockchain related ones like Odyssey because it goes against what this site stands for. Expect more categories soon.

Hey there, I'm happy to announce that Neonexus is finally live. Currently there is only one category but more will be added with time. If you're unsure what this website is about check what I wrote below.